Sunday, September 7, 2008

Some changes to my classes.

If any of you read about my classes, some of them changed. My Math and History classes switched around, which is fine. My new math teacher is like a hot math teacher (i know right?) and my History teacher is like some really old one. But she seems quite nice.

Ok nevermind I just got an email of that Summer math homework that I needed to do and she's like oh this needs to be done by Tuesday the very latest.

Fuck that.

But yea that Math teacher gives a lot of homework.

But she's hot ;)


Also I dropped Chinese and now I'm taking Foods. I need some certain like Foods credits or something in order to graduate so I need it. It's a very easy class from what I see. It's just like cooking and stuff. There was this cute girl in my Foods class that was like "If you put more ingredients... do you get more biscuits?"



But yea time to do whatever Chemistry homework I was assigned. Cause obviously I have Chemistry tomorrow. I just finished this reading log that I was supposed to do.

And now I'm like doing homework and blogging and watching that Lindsay Lohan movie with 2 Lindsay Lohans in it.


Bahahahhaha I'm a genius.

The Lindsay Lohan movie is cool.

Bye for now.

Don't forget to ask questions! :D


Anonymous said...



tlaw said...

2nd! Haha me and Chris are your biggest fans. In HK AND the US.