Tuesday, December 4, 2007

MTR/KCR Merger

Should've posted this a while ago, but the KCR and MTR are merging, so now the KCR is officially part of the MTR. I bought some tickets for the KCR on the last day and there were like at least 100 other people buying them at Mong Kok (not even the busiest station) while I was there. I purposely bought a ticket today to see what it looked like and it was like this new MTR ticket. I don't know if the MTR was using cause I haven't been taking the MTR lately. But it's a pretty cool looking ticket cause it shows the Hong Kong skyline and it's orange which is pretty cool. Anyway not much different about the KCR. It's the same everything except the logos have changed or have been removed and the map looks cooler.

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