So after today, there are officially 10 school days left. I guess I'll describe what happens today because today was pretty interesting. So today was the ESF Swimming Gala thing. I get progressively suckier each year (I actually improve I just don't improve as much!) and I swam 50m butterfly and I came last (wooo) so there goes my last ESF Swimming Gala. Well even if I wasn't leaving it would still be my last one because it's for year 7-10.
So yea good bye swimming! Swimming's been a pretty big part of my life so far. I started swimming when I was like 5 or 6 in my Darth Maul swimming trunks that were red and black and I just kinda kept doing that until like year 7. I was like on par with Nick (BELIEVE IT!!) until he started beating me by a lot then I was like meh... then I stopped. True fact - Nick didn't want to do 100m freestyle in Year 7 cause he was scared he would lose to me!! :P
But of course that was changed over the course of the last 3 years. Nick swims like 26 seconds for 50m freestyle and keeps breaking school records in random time trials, and the only water I've been around is in the shower and the sink.
Anyway, our school has like this pretty good record with the Swimming Gala, winning it 7 times in a row and like winning quite a few before that. It's always a tight race between Sha Tin and KGV. This year was no different with like a tighter race than ever before! The difference between us was 1 point and when the score announcer guy was saying it, everyone was pretty damn nervous, thinking about that 1 point. If you could have just swam a little faster in that one event, maybe if you were a little faster on your dive. And in the end Sha Tin wins again for the 8th time in a row.
So I learnt that down the stretch, every point counts. This applies for exams as well, as us Year 10s have been taking mock exams lately. The difference between getting an A or a B, a Pass or a Fail could very well come down to 1 point, so every point counts, but then even after this I'll just probably overlook that crap and make some silly mistakes due to being plain silly or lazy or whatever, but what I just wrote sounded really cool so I don't care.
Anyway, so after swimming thing we got on the bus to Sha Tin and I had dinner with Nick, Bernice, Sydney, Purple, Kim and Angel (who wouldn't give me an onion ring :() and it was pretty stupid. The waiter wouldn't give us water and I ate like a $49 (original price $98) hamburger and I ate some fries and I got 1 onion ring!
Then we (not Bernice her mom didn't let her even. Purple like got on the phone and asked her to let Bernice watch then after that her mom was like wtf. I got to talk to her too but I didn't know what to say so I just said hi.) watched Prince Caspian, sitting in the front row. At the end of the day, even if you sit in the front row, if you can just like be with your friends and be watching a movie, you'll be happy. Purple kept telling me what was going to happen in the movie "oh this part is really sad" or "oh this part is really funny" but you know, who cares! It was a pretty good movie. I remembered trying to read the book a while back but I got really bored real quick. Yea it was pretty good. The Dearest Little Friend guy was pretty funny.
Then after that I went home. It was raining like crazy but thankfully my mom picked me up from the station, so now I'm home and from that moment I got this idea to blog a countdown thing to my last 10 days of school.
So here it is.
Days left in Sha Tin College: 10
Oh yea, you know I said I wanted to get that iPhone 3G? This will have to do until then.

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