So today was the first day of my last week of school. It's nearly there. Today Math was just the usual. Ms Preston wasn't here for iPSE so the last time I get here in a lesson is probably like last week.
Ms Preston is a pretty good teacher. Her lessons are always interesting and she always pauses before she says the last word in a.... sentence. Like..... that. Then everyone naturally wants to say the last word. Why the hell does she do that!?
So yea Ms Preston is probably one of the cooler teachers. In like my first Monday of Year 10 I was in her iPSE class and she asked who was smart and I said I was and I was sitting there with my bag still on and she was like "Yer smart? Oh yer've still get yer bag on!!" or whatever and then everyone started laughing at me.
Then in my first biology lesson she like did a replay of what I did and yea.
And I always got told off by her because I didn't do homework and I didn't pay much attention in class. But yea she's still pretty cool. I guess.
Today I went to watch this Singapore school (Australian International School...) play our school. They had a boys team and a girls team that were on a basketball tour. That's a pretty cool thing to do.
Their girls team like owned ours. There was this one girl who was number 67 and man she was really good. She throws all these excellent outlet passes from like further than half court that those girls can catch with ease. And she gets bonus points for looking pretty hot as well! :P
Our boys team like owned their boys team. Most of their team were just some kinda tall white guys except for this one Chinese guy that I met back in SEAMC. His name is Yixin and Paul knew him as well when he was in Singapore. Small world huh! That's like the first time I ever felt like saying that. Paul knows someone that I met in Kuala Lumpur while he was in Singapore and he comes to Hong Kong!
Then I went to ICT and I just messed around like I did in English. Mr Dickson is the coolest ICT teacher in our school. Owns Ms Marshall and Mr De Melo. He's the best at ICT, the funniest and coolest and whatever.
Then I went back to watch the game and I showed up late to Chemistry along with some other people and then me and Brian ( :( ) did some stupid experiment with SILVER nitrate. Cool!
Oh Brian threw one of his beans on my shirt today so I stuffed it down his shirt.
Then in Chemistry Mr Lewis caught us touching each other AGAIN :(. Then we kept putting the pink salt solution into each other's pens.
your eyes are too small.
Mr DeMelo > Mr Dickson, since Mr DeMelo lets us mess around most of the time.
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