So yesterday I went to MegaBox (That place is fucking huge) and I think it's like the first time I've been there since it was made. I went to the Jelly Belly store with Jamie and Francesca and I got 100g of Jelly Beans for like $19.9. The guy that was weighing accidentally put like 2 jelly beans more and it was like 101.5g but he couldn't do anything about it cause he can't put it back in so i ended up getting a little bit more!
So I had 100g of like 49 flavored assorted Jelly beans and DAMN they're good even though I got a lot of Bubble Gum, Orange, Chocolate Pudding and this yummy Strawberry one. They're all pretty good but I wish I had some other flavors. The Butter Popcorn one is crazy good cause when you eat it your whole mouth just fills up with that popcorn taste. DAMN!!
The Cantaloupe one is also pretty interesting. The Coconut one is really good.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My cool half Kanye West shades.

Thanks guys! Now I don't need to use my paper ones!
Oh today, for some reason every time I want to paste something it comes out as Hello! SO LAME. Even if I do it by mouse it just shows up as fucking Hello!
Friday, June 27, 2008
0 Days Left. BYE SHATIN!
And there goes my last day! A lot of people signed my shirt... Cause I'm so popular. :D
I'll miss y'all.
Nearly 10 years with some of you guys.
Will mis y'all buds.
Today I did some fun stuff after school. I ate lunch with Jamie and Katlyn and Thebes and Katlyn made these cool paper frogs that could jump.
Then I went to partay it up. Ben got some tonight! Go Ben!
Yea the partay was really lame cause all those stupid dancing parties are kinda dumb. Just sat on the sofa with Thebes. Priceless!
And I took some pics with people. I tried to open my eyes up so they wouldn't look as small. :D
I'll miss y'all.
Nearly 10 years with some of you guys.
Will mis y'all buds.
Today I did some fun stuff after school. I ate lunch with Jamie and Katlyn and Thebes and Katlyn made these cool paper frogs that could jump.
Then I went to partay it up. Ben got some tonight! Go Ben!
Yea the partay was really lame cause all those stupid dancing parties are kinda dumb. Just sat on the sofa with Thebes. Priceless!
And I took some pics with people. I tried to open my eyes up so they wouldn't look as small. :D
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wow... 1 Day Left!
And now there is 1 day left until I leave.
I don't even know what to say.
I got some people to sign my Explorer and I signed some peoples' Explorers.
I don't really know what to say.
It's just
Wow it's over!
EDIT - Ok fine.
Today in the Final assembly these guys prepared a speech for me but Mr Webster didn't hint anything so they didn't do it. Such pussies!
Then as I promised I went to eat hot dogs with Edar. We had 2 each. Pretty disgusting after the 1st one. And I saw this Theresa Fu or someone who's a singer and I yelled out her name and then everyone was looking at me!
I don't even know what to say.
I got some people to sign my Explorer and I signed some peoples' Explorers.
I don't really know what to say.
It's just
Wow it's over!
EDIT - Ok fine.
Today in the Final assembly these guys prepared a speech for me but Mr Webster didn't hint anything so they didn't do it. Such pussies!
Then as I promised I went to eat hot dogs with Edar. We had 2 each. Pretty disgusting after the 1st one. And I saw this Theresa Fu or someone who's a singer and I yelled out her name and then everyone was looking at me!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
No School today... 2 Days Left.
So school was canceled today because there was a Typhoon 8 today.
3 Days left!!
So I managed to return all my textbooks except for my Business Studies textbook which I will return tomorrow. So it's pretty weird. It's nearly over! I remember one Business Studies class was really funny. I took all of Sneha's pens and then she was like give them back to me! Then I'm like here you can have the brown one back cause you're... :) (indian) then she was like THEN YOU CAN KEEP THE YELLOW ONE! Then I was looking at this yellow pen in my hand.
Today was pretty normal. I'm sure I did something yesterday that I forgot to put on my blog because I was thinking about it. Maybe I'll think of it later.
So today at Long Break Sneha bought me some corn (YAY!!) then i started flicking corn at everyone cause it's funny and I like it. Before Jack and Co. started throwing bits of chicken at me. So that was pretty bad. But I threw lots of corn at Francesca (OMG U GOT MENTIONED!!!111!!).
In English I continued drawing people after I drew a very good Boris at the back of my English Anthology. Today I drew Pavan and Mr Parker. I would take a pic and post it up here but I'll do it when I leave if Mr Parker ever stumbles upon my blog he will not try to attack me.
Oh Mr Parker got hit by a Taxi last Friday or something. Wow! And he like made his girlfriend blind for 5 minutes. Then everyone's like aww the taxi driver was such a dick then Francis asked Mr Parker if he was like jaywalking then all of a sudden he's like ohh I very well may have been!
Tut tut.
Then I played like an hour of non stop basketball. I kept owning Edar. Hahah. Edar sucks!! And he's really lame. But whatever. Sometimes i eat hot dogs with him. I'm going to eat hot dogs at IKEA with him tomorrow after school because it will be like the last time. So yea. Woo go lame Edar!!!
Oh in Math we played battleship and Nick kept going like oh want to use an atomic bomb it's like a 3 by 3 bomb. Which was really stupid. I lost. :(
But Battleship is a stupid game anyway so I don't care.
Oh in Geography we watched Zoolander. I watched a bit of it before. It's really lame/funny. I'm trying to think of other things to write but I can't really think of anything.
Oh well.
Tomorrow will be more interesting. Business Studies + ICT + Mandarin!!
Today was pretty normal. I'm sure I did something yesterday that I forgot to put on my blog because I was thinking about it. Maybe I'll think of it later.
So today at Long Break Sneha bought me some corn (YAY!!) then i started flicking corn at everyone cause it's funny and I like it. Before Jack and Co. started throwing bits of chicken at me. So that was pretty bad. But I threw lots of corn at Francesca (OMG U GOT MENTIONED!!!111!!).
In English I continued drawing people after I drew a very good Boris at the back of my English Anthology. Today I drew Pavan and Mr Parker. I would take a pic and post it up here but I'll do it when I leave if Mr Parker ever stumbles upon my blog he will not try to attack me.
Oh Mr Parker got hit by a Taxi last Friday or something. Wow! And he like made his girlfriend blind for 5 minutes. Then everyone's like aww the taxi driver was such a dick then Francis asked Mr Parker if he was like jaywalking then all of a sudden he's like ohh I very well may have been!
Tut tut.
Then I played like an hour of non stop basketball. I kept owning Edar. Hahah. Edar sucks!! And he's really lame. But whatever. Sometimes i eat hot dogs with him. I'm going to eat hot dogs at IKEA with him tomorrow after school because it will be like the last time. So yea. Woo go lame Edar!!!
Oh in Math we played battleship and Nick kept going like oh want to use an atomic bomb it's like a 3 by 3 bomb. Which was really stupid. I lost. :(
But Battleship is a stupid game anyway so I don't care.
Oh in Geography we watched Zoolander. I watched a bit of it before. It's really lame/funny. I'm trying to think of other things to write but I can't really think of anything.
Oh well.
Tomorrow will be more interesting. Business Studies + ICT + Mandarin!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
4 days left...

So today was the first day of my last week of school. It's nearly there. Today Math was just the usual. Ms Preston wasn't here for iPSE so the last time I get here in a lesson is probably like last week.
Ms Preston is a pretty good teacher. Her lessons are always interesting and she always pauses before she says the last word in a.... sentence. Like..... that. Then everyone naturally wants to say the last word. Why the hell does she do that!?
So yea Ms Preston is probably one of the cooler teachers. In like my first Monday of Year 10 I was in her iPSE class and she asked who was smart and I said I was and I was sitting there with my bag still on and she was like "Yer smart? Oh yer've still get yer bag on!!" or whatever and then everyone started laughing at me.
Then in my first biology lesson she like did a replay of what I did and yea.
And I always got told off by her because I didn't do homework and I didn't pay much attention in class. But yea she's still pretty cool. I guess.
Today I went to watch this Singapore school (Australian International School...) play our school. They had a boys team and a girls team that were on a basketball tour. That's a pretty cool thing to do.
Their girls team like owned ours. There was this one girl who was number 67 and man she was really good. She throws all these excellent outlet passes from like further than half court that those girls can catch with ease. And she gets bonus points for looking pretty hot as well! :P
Our boys team like owned their boys team. Most of their team were just some kinda tall white guys except for this one Chinese guy that I met back in SEAMC. His name is Yixin and Paul knew him as well when he was in Singapore. Small world huh! That's like the first time I ever felt like saying that. Paul knows someone that I met in Kuala Lumpur while he was in Singapore and he comes to Hong Kong!
Then I went to ICT and I just messed around like I did in English. Mr Dickson is the coolest ICT teacher in our school. Owns Ms Marshall and Mr De Melo. He's the best at ICT, the funniest and coolest and whatever.
Then I went back to watch the game and I showed up late to Chemistry along with some other people and then me and Brian ( :( ) did some stupid experiment with SILVER nitrate. Cool!
Oh Brian threw one of his beans on my shirt today so I stuffed it down his shirt.
Then in Chemistry Mr Lewis caught us touching each other AGAIN :(. Then we kept putting the pink salt solution into each other's pens.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
My first pair of headphones!
So yea those are my first headphones. The Denon D1001. When I went to the store and went to test them these haters were like wtf when I was testing them, probably cause I was using a 1G iPod Nano that has poorer sound quality than whatever player he is using. To be honest I couldn't really tell much difference at the time. But after a while they seem to sound better. I'm still listening to them now.
Now you guys must be like Jordan you're high who bombs $1000 dollars on headphones!
Well here.
I listen to a lot of music. I probably have more songs than you! 15183 songs in my library and it's growing! Ok to be honest I haven't properly listened to maybe half of those songs... But still that's like 7591.5 songs. Like 5000 more than most of you guys who have 'lots' of music! Bahahah
At first I thought I was only going to use these headphones for homeuse because they looked really big in the pictures, but when I got them they actually turned out to be ok, so maybe sometimes I'll take them out. I'm not always going to though because I'm scared I'll break them and people are going to look at me. Also they might be like wtf at me because I'm using an iPod Nano for some $1000 headphones!
So wtf. There goes $1000.
They are really comfortable though.
So whatever.
My first headphones, and probably my last pair.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Halfway there... 5 days

Wow. So I'm halfway there. Today was a more meaningful day to me than any of the other days. In Business Studies I was like trying to play Halo off my thumbdrive... And it worked! What a rebel! Then we watched someone's Drama performance and Brian Kwong stole Darayus' Fruitips and then I got an orange flavored one. Oh and I was like sitting down then when I stood up I farted twice. Then after a while I felt bad so I told everyone.
But they weren't the yummy ones because there was no sugar on it. So it tasted kind of weird.
Then after that there was PE. That was my last PE lesson here and we just played some games mostly. The team I was on was ownage! Then that will be like the last time I go up to that gym and try and sneak in to the lift and put balls away and stuff. Aww.
Then it was form period and we just messed around and read the Explorer and shizzle. Then after that it was long break and I ate this really yummy cupcake! It was like this yummy cake and then there was yummy icing on it and then there was sugar sprinkled on it. That was really good. I like put the paper in my mouth because it was that yummy.
Then I played some basketball. I think. I don't know.
Geography was next and like I just fucked around because the next lesson is going to be a movie lesson. I humbly marked 20 out of 20 for my mini test and I got an A*. :S
And we watched some real boring shit. Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice so whoop whoop. For you Geography n00bs Summer Solstice is like the day with the most sunlight. For us that's like June 20/21 cause we're in the Northern Hemisphere.
That's some geography for you!
Oh I poked Purple twice.
Then after Geography I had Physics. Mr Hodgson was away for most the lesson and I was just nodding at all this Kinetic energy shizzle.
Then afterwards I went to eat Sushi with Sneha in Sha Tin and I even went to the dentist with her! But her mom was coming and it was going to be super duper awkward so I decided to leave, but when I left her mom came in and I had to open the door for her and yea that was pretty awkward too cause Sneha told her mom that her friend (ME!!!) would be there.
Then I decided to head home... But I was like NOOO I must make the most of this! So I phoned up my buddy Jamie who was in Festival Walk and I went on the KCR to Festival Walk and I met Jamie, Sam NK, Claire, Sydney, Claudia PilZZZZ, Katlyn... And I think that was it.
I haven't talked to Sam for a while since Year 9 when we were in the same class for like 3 years. (.3 wooo!!) so yea it's pretty funny how a few different classes can mean everything on yo friends. But yea it was pretty fun. In H&M she like put all sorts of make up on my face and then like me, Claire and Sam had this put eyeshadow on each other contest. I was the worst cause I got like this nice tan stuff on my face and I had some very untidy blue eyeshadow above one of my eyes and all this shizzle. Boo.
Then I just walked around randomly and did whatever I felt like. I like lent Jamie 20 dollars. A 20 dollars that I didn't lend last time and I got into a bit of trouble. :P
Then like Claudia and Sydney and Katlyn left. Then later Claire and Sam went to toilet then Jamie decided to leave and I was going to leave with her.
Then I got hugs from Claire and Sam. Whoop whoop!
Then I was planning to get my headphones that cost $1000 (Denon AH-D1001K!!!) but Jamie was tired. So like she left and I just went home.
So today was a pretty fun day.
I've never eaten Sushi with an Indian before. I've never been to the Dentist with someone else before. I've never had this who can put more make up on each other thing before, and when was the last time I lended $20 to someone!!?!?
Oh the top half of my iPod Nano's screen kind of died. Maybe the radiation from my iPhone? :S
Thursday, June 19, 2008
6 days, I forgot to submit yesterday's one.
So today, I bought the yearbook. And like I've already seen most of it so yea. There goes 200 dollars! But you can all sign it. :) Today at school... I did some Math. Math lessons are really simple. Just do the work that Mr Imeson tells you to do on the board and if you don't finish it's homework. That's basically it. Then in Physics I wasn't really paying attention because there was all this energy stuff and in the end it's just going to end up being a few formulas that you have to remember. I just wasted all this time in my English lesson cause Mr Parker was gone for like the 3rd straight lesson and we had no idea what to do. I read this story called The Necklace where this woman loses someone else's necklace and it was like this really nice diamond one and then the woman and her wife look everywhere to find an exact one and paid all this money for it and then they were in debt for like 10 years. Then one day she sees the woman that lent her the necklace and it turns out the necklace was an imitation of that really expensive one.
Then I said that woman was really responsible and shizzle.
Then afterschool I saw Jennifer Martin woooo! And I was going to be a man and like whip out my umbrella but then I lost it. :S
Then Tracy and Jamie came along and Jen left and then I decided to tag along with Tracy and Jamie cause I need to spend some quality time with them! So they went to Quiksilver/Roxy then I tagged along.
Then afterwards Jamie was going to go home and I went home as well even though Tracy wanted me to stay but I didn't cause it would be awkward (SORRY TRACY I HOPE IF YOU EVER READ THIS YOU READ THIS AFTER I LEAVE). But yea, then I saw Geoffrey (Su) with Melissa (uh oh!!) and I bought this yucky chocolate stick thing that Jamie wanted to buy cause I was feeling nice today and I bought it for her. But I had some too.
But it tasted like shit.
And I even offered it to Geoffrey and Melissa before I took a bite! That's like the first time I offered something to someone.
I'm such a selfish little dickhead!!
But yea then Jamie got on then I started listening to my iPhone and then I went home and now I don't know where the fuck my mom has gone.
Then I said that woman was really responsible and shizzle.
Then afterschool I saw Jennifer Martin woooo! And I was going to be a man and like whip out my umbrella but then I lost it. :S
Then Tracy and Jamie came along and Jen left and then I decided to tag along with Tracy and Jamie cause I need to spend some quality time with them! So they went to Quiksilver/Roxy then I tagged along.
Then afterwards Jamie was going to go home and I went home as well even though Tracy wanted me to stay but I didn't cause it would be awkward (SORRY TRACY I HOPE IF YOU EVER READ THIS YOU READ THIS AFTER I LEAVE). But yea, then I saw Geoffrey (Su) with Melissa (uh oh!!) and I bought this yucky chocolate stick thing that Jamie wanted to buy cause I was feeling nice today and I bought it for her. But I had some too.
But it tasted like shit.
And I even offered it to Geoffrey and Melissa before I took a bite! That's like the first time I offered something to someone.
I'm such a selfish little dickhead!!
But yea then Jamie got on then I started listening to my iPhone and then I went home and now I don't know where the fuck my mom has gone.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
7 days
I'm pretty sure I did some meaningful things today. I managed to get Sneha really really pissed at me in Business Studies, I find out how to disguise things on your computer by renaming the folder to something else then changing the icon. (Me and Ferdinand hid one of his folders and it looked like a Halo crack). Haha.
I'm watching Bobby Lee videos now.
They are really funny.
I'm watching Bobby Lee videos now.
They are really funny.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
8 days left
And there goes another day! Still haven't made much of a difference. Today I bought a math book if that meant anything. I had to leave at lunchtime to get my passport renewed. At the US place they were really strict and didn't let people bring in mobile phones and shizzle so I had to take those stuff out. There was like this kids play area and there was like this mixed Chinese/Latino girl, this really ugly white girl and this little Jewish kid. The Chinese/Latino mix girl was really cute and pretty (ok she's like 3) and then the ugly white girl kept trying to take her boat and play with her and then that girl was like no and kept ignoring her. Then the white girl decided to share by giving the girl one of her little doggy toys but the Chinese/Latino girl just like fucking threw it away.
But yea. Today was a pretty normal day. English lessons are always really interesting but also have a lot of work so I have mixed feelings about missing that lesson today. Mr Parker is a pretty cool teacher.
Oh. I broke one of those plates at school today. That's something I haven't done in my 4 years at Sha Tin College! Wooo!!
Things achieved
- Broke a Plate
Monday, June 16, 2008
100th post and 9 days left!
Ok it's like 10:37 at the time of that word I typed. I was going to go to sleep then I suddenly remembered my 'blogdown' to my last day at school.
So it didn't turn out to be as meaningful as I thought it would be. Today was pretty normal except I held and opened some doors for people and stuff. Nothing worth blogging about and nothing I was exceptionally proud of.
Maybe hanging on that shortened netball hoop? That's pretty fun. Pretending to be an athletic black dude and doing dunks when you're just dunking on like a 6 foot something rim...
It's fun!
If there was a backboard it would be much cooler but what the heck.
So ya today wasn't that meaningful. Come on Jordan you have to make the most out of the 9 days you have left!
So it didn't turn out to be as meaningful as I thought it would be. Today was pretty normal except I held and opened some doors for people and stuff. Nothing worth blogging about and nothing I was exceptionally proud of.
Maybe hanging on that shortened netball hoop? That's pretty fun. Pretending to be an athletic black dude and doing dunks when you're just dunking on like a 6 foot something rim...
It's fun!
If there was a backboard it would be much cooler but what the heck.
So ya today wasn't that meaningful. Come on Jordan you have to make the most out of the 9 days you have left!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Counting down the days... 10 days left
So wow, it's finally come down to this. In many many many blinks of an eye, I only have 10 days left in Sha Tin College. The same place I've been going to school since I was like 5 (if you include Sha Tin Junior) so wow. Going up that same hill for like 10 years, and soon it's going to be all over, so with these 10 days left, I'm just going to do some meaningful stuff and I will blog about it, and you guys can find out some new stuff about me that you never knew before and you will all read about it because you all love reading my blog!!
So after today, there are officially 10 school days left. I guess I'll describe what happens today because today was pretty interesting. So today was the ESF Swimming Gala thing. I get progressively suckier each year (I actually improve I just don't improve as much!) and I swam 50m butterfly and I came last (wooo) so there goes my last ESF Swimming Gala. Well even if I wasn't leaving it would still be my last one because it's for year 7-10.
So yea good bye swimming! Swimming's been a pretty big part of my life so far. I started swimming when I was like 5 or 6 in my Darth Maul swimming trunks that were red and black and I just kinda kept doing that until like year 7. I was like on par with Nick (BELIEVE IT!!) until he started beating me by a lot then I was like meh... then I stopped. True fact - Nick didn't want to do 100m freestyle in Year 7 cause he was scared he would lose to me!! :P
But of course that was changed over the course of the last 3 years. Nick swims like 26 seconds for 50m freestyle and keeps breaking school records in random time trials, and the only water I've been around is in the shower and the sink.
Anyway, our school has like this pretty good record with the Swimming Gala, winning it 7 times in a row and like winning quite a few before that. It's always a tight race between Sha Tin and KGV. This year was no different with like a tighter race than ever before! The difference between us was 1 point and when the score announcer guy was saying it, everyone was pretty damn nervous, thinking about that 1 point. If you could have just swam a little faster in that one event, maybe if you were a little faster on your dive. And in the end Sha Tin wins again for the 8th time in a row.
So I learnt that down the stretch, every point counts. This applies for exams as well, as us Year 10s have been taking mock exams lately. The difference between getting an A or a B, a Pass or a Fail could very well come down to 1 point, so every point counts, but then even after this I'll just probably overlook that crap and make some silly mistakes due to being plain silly or lazy or whatever, but what I just wrote sounded really cool so I don't care.
Anyway, so after swimming thing we got on the bus to Sha Tin and I had dinner with Nick, Bernice, Sydney, Purple, Kim and Angel (who wouldn't give me an onion ring :() and it was pretty stupid. The waiter wouldn't give us water and I ate like a $49 (original price $98) hamburger and I ate some fries and I got 1 onion ring!
Then we (not Bernice her mom didn't let her even. Purple like got on the phone and asked her to let Bernice watch then after that her mom was like wtf. I got to talk to her too but I didn't know what to say so I just said hi.) watched Prince Caspian, sitting in the front row. At the end of the day, even if you sit in the front row, if you can just like be with your friends and be watching a movie, you'll be happy. Purple kept telling me what was going to happen in the movie "oh this part is really sad" or "oh this part is really funny" but you know, who cares! It was a pretty good movie. I remembered trying to read the book a while back but I got really bored real quick. Yea it was pretty good. The Dearest Little Friend guy was pretty funny.
Then after that I went home. It was raining like crazy but thankfully my mom picked me up from the station, so now I'm home and from that moment I got this idea to blog a countdown thing to my last 10 days of school.
So here it is.
Days left in Sha Tin College: 10
Oh yea, you know I said I wanted to get that iPhone 3G? This will have to do until then.
So after today, there are officially 10 school days left. I guess I'll describe what happens today because today was pretty interesting. So today was the ESF Swimming Gala thing. I get progressively suckier each year (I actually improve I just don't improve as much!) and I swam 50m butterfly and I came last (wooo) so there goes my last ESF Swimming Gala. Well even if I wasn't leaving it would still be my last one because it's for year 7-10.
So yea good bye swimming! Swimming's been a pretty big part of my life so far. I started swimming when I was like 5 or 6 in my Darth Maul swimming trunks that were red and black and I just kinda kept doing that until like year 7. I was like on par with Nick (BELIEVE IT!!) until he started beating me by a lot then I was like meh... then I stopped. True fact - Nick didn't want to do 100m freestyle in Year 7 cause he was scared he would lose to me!! :P
But of course that was changed over the course of the last 3 years. Nick swims like 26 seconds for 50m freestyle and keeps breaking school records in random time trials, and the only water I've been around is in the shower and the sink.
Anyway, our school has like this pretty good record with the Swimming Gala, winning it 7 times in a row and like winning quite a few before that. It's always a tight race between Sha Tin and KGV. This year was no different with like a tighter race than ever before! The difference between us was 1 point and when the score announcer guy was saying it, everyone was pretty damn nervous, thinking about that 1 point. If you could have just swam a little faster in that one event, maybe if you were a little faster on your dive. And in the end Sha Tin wins again for the 8th time in a row.
So I learnt that down the stretch, every point counts. This applies for exams as well, as us Year 10s have been taking mock exams lately. The difference between getting an A or a B, a Pass or a Fail could very well come down to 1 point, so every point counts, but then even after this I'll just probably overlook that crap and make some silly mistakes due to being plain silly or lazy or whatever, but what I just wrote sounded really cool so I don't care.
Anyway, so after swimming thing we got on the bus to Sha Tin and I had dinner with Nick, Bernice, Sydney, Purple, Kim and Angel (who wouldn't give me an onion ring :() and it was pretty stupid. The waiter wouldn't give us water and I ate like a $49 (original price $98) hamburger and I ate some fries and I got 1 onion ring!
Then we (not Bernice her mom didn't let her even. Purple like got on the phone and asked her to let Bernice watch then after that her mom was like wtf. I got to talk to her too but I didn't know what to say so I just said hi.) watched Prince Caspian, sitting in the front row. At the end of the day, even if you sit in the front row, if you can just like be with your friends and be watching a movie, you'll be happy. Purple kept telling me what was going to happen in the movie "oh this part is really sad" or "oh this part is really funny" but you know, who cares! It was a pretty good movie. I remembered trying to read the book a while back but I got really bored real quick. Yea it was pretty good. The Dearest Little Friend guy was pretty funny.
Then after that I went home. It was raining like crazy but thankfully my mom picked me up from the station, so now I'm home and from that moment I got this idea to blog a countdown thing to my last 10 days of school.
So here it is.
Days left in Sha Tin College: 10
Oh yea, you know I said I wanted to get that iPhone 3G? This will have to do until then.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
15th Birthday and iPhone 3G
Ladies and gentleman, today is my 15th birthday!!!
Yes the mastermind of this amazing blog was only 14!
Now he's 15! YES!!!!!!!!!
And like they just announced the new iPhone3G which is twice the speed of the iPhone and half the price! It like starts at $200 (US) so I'm assuming that's for the 8GB model.
It's a dream come true! Music + Phone + iPod + Wifi Internet stuff!
And I was wondering earlier if I wanted like an iPod Touch but then I was like hmm if I'm gonna get an iPod Touch why don't I just get like an iPhone!?
But now they're releasing a new iPhone which is good and cheap! YES!
Yes the mastermind of this amazing blog was only 14!
Now he's 15! YES!!!!!!!!!
And like they just announced the new iPhone3G which is twice the speed of the iPhone and half the price! It like starts at $200 (US) so I'm assuming that's for the 8GB model.
It's a dream come true! Music + Phone + iPod + Wifi Internet stuff!
And I was wondering earlier if I wanted like an iPod Touch but then I was like hmm if I'm gonna get an iPod Touch why don't I just get like an iPhone!?
But now they're releasing a new iPhone which is good and cheap! YES!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Wow. Pay to watch 2 Girls 1 Cup
Yea, now you officially have to PAY to watch 2 Girls 1 Cup. Yea that video with this white girl and this Indian girl making a shit and licking it and eating it and barfing it out again and eating it again.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Presidents and NBA - CONSPIRACY!?
So I was watching the news this morning and I saw Obama get all excited about the Olympics in Chicago and stuff. Now the Chicago Bulls won the number 1 pick in the NBA Draft lottery, and Obama is a Chicago native who loves basketball....
A little bit more... In George Bush's 8 years of Finals that he could experience as president, a Texas team made the finals 4 times, and the years they didn't make the Finals, there was a Texas team either in the Western Conference Final or in an earlier round being eliminated by the eventual champion.
A little bit more... In George Bush's 8 years of Finals that he could experience as president, a Texas team made the finals 4 times, and the years they didn't make the Finals, there was a Texas team either in the Western Conference Final or in an earlier round being eliminated by the eventual champion.
NBA Finals Game 1 - Random thoughts
KG likes shooting that J. I never watched a lot of T-Wolves/Celtics basketball so I thought he was like a power dunker guy because he was on NBA Live. Guess I'm wrong. He shoots way too many Js for a guy with his strength and speed.
Kobe Bryant is actually a better team player than people give him credit for, but in crunchtime his I AM KOBE BRYANT instinct kind of takes over and then he will only pass to guys that he trusts, so Pau Gasol. The Machine was open at the 3 point line with no one even close to the passing lane or close to contesting him before he gets a good look and shoots but he decides to go Kobe style and do it himself.
Maybe KG should try shooting 3s? He receives the ball at the 3 point line then steps in to a 2. He's pretty open at the 3 point line and he's not a bad 3 shooter himself. If Chris Bosh does it then so should KG!
Kobe Bryant is actually a better team player than people give him credit for, but in crunchtime his I AM KOBE BRYANT instinct kind of takes over and then he will only pass to guys that he trusts, so Pau Gasol. The Machine was open at the 3 point line with no one even close to the passing lane or close to contesting him before he gets a good look and shoots but he decides to go Kobe style and do it himself.
Maybe KG should try shooting 3s? He receives the ball at the 3 point line then steps in to a 2. He's pretty open at the 3 point line and he's not a bad 3 shooter himself. If Chris Bosh does it then so should KG!
Monday, June 2, 2008
My predictions for the Finals and NBA JAM!
I'm going to say the Celtics will take this series in 7. It'll be a classic. Kobe is excellent but like on a 1-10 scale, if Kobe was 10 then Ray would be like 7 Pierce would be like 8 and KG would be like 9. Gasol might be like a 7 and Odom like a 6. Ok but enough of this 1-10 shit. I think Celtics will drop a few games that they could win because Doc is a fucking retarded coach.
Celtics have a lot of X-Factors, so they have a pretty amazing team. Best Big 3 in the league with some of the best x-factors. You can expect Rondo to give you 20 points in a game or 2 and some huge plays and you can expect Perk to be like a double double machine and outmuscle Gasol.
But yea don't sleep on the Lakers. Kobe is a bitch to stop, Lamar is playing his best as a Laker with the Gasol trade and Gasol is awesome. Fisher, Walton, Vlad Rad and THE MACHINE are all shooting good throughout the playoffs and will get a lot of open looks with Kobe and Lamar/Gasol in the post.
So it's going to be a good series, but I think Celtics just have more determination and more skill to pull this one out.
Recently I've been playing NBA Jam and NBA Jam Tournament Edition with my ZSNES and even playing online with KY and it's a pretty damn fun game. The graphics suck dick, but the gameplay is like crazy fun. Nothing is realistic about it but it's fun and that's all that matters. :D
Sunday, June 1, 2008
To my good friend :)
I'd like to dedicate this one to a special someone (no not my girlfriend i don't have one.) And you know who you are. I don't know how to say this so that it isn't corny but cheer up and be happy! You've been through and you are going through a lot and yadda yadda but sometimes if you just let go and think of some happy stuff it'll make you happy!
Just live in the moment! Don't need to worry too much about the past. What's done is done. Don't worry too much about the future too. When it comes, it comes. Hehehe comes. I'm leaving after this year too and yea life will be different in USA but wtf why am I worrying? Worrying's not going to help. I'll just not worry so much and do what I have to do when it's there.
Ok that was really corny, but whatever.
Love ya! :)
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