Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Facts about me #1

Because I'm bored as I drink this canned chicken noodle soup thing.

I will now reveal facts about me that you may or may not know.

I do not like a tomato on it's own. When it is cooked or made into something it is yummy. For example. A raw sliced tomato in a sandwich or tomato sauce or ketchup. But a raw whole tomato or a boiled tomato or a whatever tomato is nasty. The only plain tomato that I can kind of stand is grilled tomato.

I do not like strawberries on their own! But I love like smoothies with strawberry in it and strawberry milkshakes and ice creams and yogurts or whatever. Strawberry jam is good too. But a plain strawberry on its own? No...

I like sour cream on its own. I used to think it was weird but it tastes ok now with Nachos or whatever.

I like onions. A lot. Raw onions are ok if you put them in like a salad as it adds a bit of crunch and that weird raw oniony taste, but cooked onions are really yummy.

However I think sour cream and onion is the worst flavor of chips ever made in this world. Especially the Lays ones. The Pringles ones are quite nice but the Lays Sour Cream and onion has got to be the most foul tasting chip I have ever tasted.


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