Saturday, August 16, 2008

New post... In USA.

So I haven't updated my blog in a while. No I hvae not been playing Warcraft everyday. I kinda got bored of it. Anyway I'm in USA now. A couple of guys sent me off at the airport (thanks guys :D) and then I got on the plane.

At the boarding gate there were like so many Indians there must've been like 80% Indians I had to check to make sure I was going to San Francisco in case it was a flight to New Delhi or somewhere. So when I got on the plane I had to sit next to this Saddam Hussein look-a-like who kinda smelled bad.

So here I am in USA. I look kind of lost. It's pretty weird. Like I don't know what clothes I'm supposed to wear cause a lot of the brands are too white and some of them are too black. What the hell are clothes for Asian boys!?

But yea it's definitely different. I can just be kinda me and be so cool in Hong Kong but in USA I fee like I'm at the bottom of the food chain. People hang out in race groups. There's like a bunch of Mexican dudes together the Indian dudes stick together the white guys stick together and the black guys and all their homies stick together. And dude why do all the Asian guys have shaved heads!? Do I need to shave my head too!?

I have like a week or 2 left until school starts and you know I'm kind of looking forward to it to see how it turns out.



I'm just waiting for the 100m hurdles thing then I'll go to sleep.

Oh I got a Sansa Clip :D

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