Sunday, May 4, 2008

Me and Linux (Ubuntu) - Day 1

So here I am with my cool orangey OS. I've tried using it a few times before but I fail because I don't know how to install. So now I am officially a Linux user. I use Ubuntu, cause it sounds cool and it's orange.

Everything is pretty neat. Unfortunately I can't use the visual effects because the graphics card is too shit, but a lot of things are faster. I am currently transferring my 69 GB of music right back to my new 320GB hard drive and it takes like half the time. I have 2 screens to work with (I think I can make more).

The main disadvantage is the lack of applications... not... I think. There are lots of alternatives and they're pretty good. Like this music player called Rhythmbox Music Player where it has all this extra shit. Like built in support and like iPod support and other stuff that I haven't tried yet.

Ubuntu comes pre-installed with a lot of free applications that should cover the average person's needs... There's OpenOffice, a free Microsoft Office alternative. It comes with some simple games as well.

There's like 2 bars on Ubuntu. It's like the taskbar in Windows split into 2. The top has and equivalent to the start menu and quicklaunch as well as the sound control thing and that tray thing and time and the power button. The bottom is where all the running programs are, the desktop button, the recycle bin and the screen switching thing.

There are some skins that you can switch around with and you can also download other skins. One feature that I find pretty neat is that when you maximize a window if you drag the top bar it automatically minimizes and when you drag it back up it maximizes again. So yea pretty sweet.

I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and I have to say it's pretty damn good. I have one disk so if you want it you can ask me.

But I'm pretty sure no one reads my blog.

So fuck y'all.


Anonymous said...

Someone reads your blog :P

Anonymous said...

But now that you've mentioned Ubuntu, thousands will read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello young man
You should try Amarok for playing music (you ll find it in the add/remove software application)

Oh and...unlike MS-Windoze linux has many GUIs (Graphical User Interface) Ubuntu comes with Gnome (which has 2 taskbars as you mention) but Kubuntu has a more Windoze like look: KDE
Check it out !