Well, I gathered the courage to go to school yesterday, I can't run away forever. All was going well until third period, the class with the two moronic non-believers.
I walked into the class and.. AURGH, NO OTHER SEATS OTHER THAN THE ONES NEXT TO THEM TWO. I walked over and sat with them and it was pretty much silence for atleast 5 minutes.
One of them suddenly gathered the courage to say "I can't believe you ACTUALLY believe in Pokemon.. You're gay". GRRRR.. THEY HAVE NOT LEARNED!! My response: "I'm quite sure about my sexuality to know that I am not gay, thank you very much. And as for my beliefs, I feel it's none of your business with what I should feel is the truth and what isn't".
The other one stepped in "Well, we have proof Pokemon isn't real". I was shocked! They decided to research this! My response: "Haha, we at the Pokeclipse community have proven many people like you wrong, so come on, try to sound smart and say Pokemon isn't real with your 'research'".
He got some paper out and started reading from it:
"Pokémon is a media franchise owned by video game giant Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri around 1995. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's Mario series".
I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk "YOU GOT THAT FROM WIKIPEDIA.. YOU IDIOT". The idiot was in shock for a second and then responded: "Yeah.. So?". "Well WHAT PROOF IS THAT? YOU'VE COPIED SOMETHING FROM A WEBSITE, I FAIL TO SEE HOW THIS PROVES US AT POKECLIPSE WRONG" I shouted.. The class went quiet. He responded "I'm proving to you that Pokemon is made by Nintendo and was made by someone. Therefore it cannot be real".
Oh dear.. Oh dear... My anger was rising and I really wanted to punch this non-believer in the face. I had to keep my cool to look good, so I said
"Oh you silly boy.. For a start, you copied that from Wikipedia, one of the most unreliable sources on the internet. And, Nintendo has a portal of some sorts to get into the Pokemon universe, meaning they could have got the idea from that universe and marketed it to younger audiences. You're blinded by stupidity".
His response:"...Yeah, but it's not real". I rest my case. I sat down, and here's where it all starts to get bad. Everyone had heard us, and I suddenly became the laughing stock of the class. People were calling me gay and now the WHOLE school knows I believe in Pokemon. I can't believe this is happening... Why are people so stupid. Pokemon are real, if only they would open their eyes..
Anyways, I wasn't on yesterday because I was pretty much crying all day. I never thought my beliefs would cause me to actually get bullied. It's so wrong.
Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated! I can't wait to prove them wrong when we each have our own Pokemon partner.
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