I will be leaving very soon. This is my last day. I woke up really late then I ate cereal for breakfast and then I was on the computer for most of the day and I was chatting with my buddies Boris and Matthew. They're both really lame.
See y'all back in Hong Kong and thanks for reading! :)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Everyone gets fucking owned by the Pokéclipse
Dear Trolls,
You have won. We have nothing left to do. You deleted our Admins, you destroyed our hope, you..you're a bunch of assholes. I hope you're happy. You're the meanest bunch of internet trolls ever. WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED?! NOTHING?! YOU GUYS ARE SCUM OF THE EARTH! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL! WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING! DO YOU HAVE NO LIFE?! ARE YOU SOME STUPID IDIOT WHO KICKS KIDS WHO WALKS BY?! YOU GUYS SUCK. YOU GUYS SUCK HARD! I HATE YOU ALL. YOU KILLED MEW2-CHAN! GO BACK TO THE HELL FROM WHICH YOU CAME YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS! GO TO HELL

after someone hacked it and put this as the skin.
Good job guys. You had the entire Internet thinking you were fucking retards and now you're laughing at us all harder than ever.
I salute you.
You have won. We have nothing left to do. You deleted our Admins, you destroyed our hope, you..you're a bunch of assholes. I hope you're happy. You're the meanest bunch of internet trolls ever. WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED?! NOTHING?! YOU GUYS ARE SCUM OF THE EARTH! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL! WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING! DO YOU HAVE NO LIFE?! ARE YOU SOME STUPID IDIOT WHO KICKS KIDS WHO WALKS BY?! YOU GUYS SUCK. YOU GUYS SUCK HARD! I HATE YOU ALL. YOU KILLED MEW2-CHAN! GO BACK TO THE HELL FROM WHICH YOU CAME YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS! GO TO HELL
after someone hacked it and put this as the skin.
Good job guys. You had the entire Internet thinking you were fucking retards and now you're laughing at us all harder than ever.
I salute you.
Fucking Hilarious
Well, I'm sure many of you read my thread about how my 'friends' laughed at me for believing in Pokemon.
Well, I gathered the courage to go to school yesterday, I can't run away forever. All was going well until third period, the class with the two moronic non-believers.
I walked into the class and.. AURGH, NO OTHER SEATS OTHER THAN THE ONES NEXT TO THEM TWO. I walked over and sat with them and it was pretty much silence for atleast 5 minutes.
One of them suddenly gathered the courage to say "I can't believe you ACTUALLY believe in Pokemon.. You're gay". GRRRR.. THEY HAVE NOT LEARNED!! My response: "I'm quite sure about my sexuality to know that I am not gay, thank you very much. And as for my beliefs, I feel it's none of your business with what I should feel is the truth and what isn't".
The other one stepped in "Well, we have proof Pokemon isn't real". I was shocked! They decided to research this! My response: "Haha, we at the Pokeclipse community have proven many people like you wrong, so come on, try to sound smart and say Pokemon isn't real with your 'research'".
He got some paper out and started reading from it:
"Pokémon is a media franchise owned by video game giant Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri around 1995. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's Mario series".
I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk "YOU GOT THAT FROM WIKIPEDIA.. YOU IDIOT". The idiot was in shock for a second and then responded: "Yeah.. So?". "Well WHAT PROOF IS THAT? YOU'VE COPIED SOMETHING FROM A WEBSITE, I FAIL TO SEE HOW THIS PROVES US AT POKECLIPSE WRONG" I shouted.. The class went quiet. He responded "I'm proving to you that Pokemon is made by Nintendo and was made by someone. Therefore it cannot be real".
Oh dear.. Oh dear... My anger was rising and I really wanted to punch this non-believer in the face. I had to keep my cool to look good, so I said
"Oh you silly boy.. For a start, you copied that from Wikipedia, one of the most unreliable sources on the internet. And, Nintendo has a portal of some sorts to get into the Pokemon universe, meaning they could have got the idea from that universe and marketed it to younger audiences. You're blinded by stupidity".
His response:"...Yeah, but it's not real". I rest my case. I sat down, and here's where it all starts to get bad. Everyone had heard us, and I suddenly became the laughing stock of the class. People were calling me gay and now the WHOLE school knows I believe in Pokemon. I can't believe this is happening... Why are people so stupid. Pokemon are real, if only they would open their eyes..
Anyways, I wasn't on yesterday because I was pretty much crying all day. I never thought my beliefs would cause me to actually get bullied. It's so wrong.
Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated! I can't wait to prove them wrong when we each have our own Pokemon partner.
Well, I gathered the courage to go to school yesterday, I can't run away forever. All was going well until third period, the class with the two moronic non-believers.
I walked into the class and.. AURGH, NO OTHER SEATS OTHER THAN THE ONES NEXT TO THEM TWO. I walked over and sat with them and it was pretty much silence for atleast 5 minutes.
One of them suddenly gathered the courage to say "I can't believe you ACTUALLY believe in Pokemon.. You're gay". GRRRR.. THEY HAVE NOT LEARNED!! My response: "I'm quite sure about my sexuality to know that I am not gay, thank you very much. And as for my beliefs, I feel it's none of your business with what I should feel is the truth and what isn't".
The other one stepped in "Well, we have proof Pokemon isn't real". I was shocked! They decided to research this! My response: "Haha, we at the Pokeclipse community have proven many people like you wrong, so come on, try to sound smart and say Pokemon isn't real with your 'research'".
He got some paper out and started reading from it:
"Pokémon is a media franchise owned by video game giant Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri around 1995. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's Mario series".
I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk "YOU GOT THAT FROM WIKIPEDIA.. YOU IDIOT". The idiot was in shock for a second and then responded: "Yeah.. So?". "Well WHAT PROOF IS THAT? YOU'VE COPIED SOMETHING FROM A WEBSITE, I FAIL TO SEE HOW THIS PROVES US AT POKECLIPSE WRONG" I shouted.. The class went quiet. He responded "I'm proving to you that Pokemon is made by Nintendo and was made by someone. Therefore it cannot be real".
Oh dear.. Oh dear... My anger was rising and I really wanted to punch this non-believer in the face. I had to keep my cool to look good, so I said
"Oh you silly boy.. For a start, you copied that from Wikipedia, one of the most unreliable sources on the internet. And, Nintendo has a portal of some sorts to get into the Pokemon universe, meaning they could have got the idea from that universe and marketed it to younger audiences. You're blinded by stupidity".
His response:"...Yeah, but it's not real". I rest my case. I sat down, and here's where it all starts to get bad. Everyone had heard us, and I suddenly became the laughing stock of the class. People were calling me gay and now the WHOLE school knows I believe in Pokemon. I can't believe this is happening... Why are people so stupid. Pokemon are real, if only they would open their eyes..
Anyways, I wasn't on yesterday because I was pretty much crying all day. I never thought my beliefs would cause me to actually get bullied. It's so wrong.
Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated! I can't wait to prove them wrong when we each have our own Pokemon partner.
Have time? Want a laugh?
Go to Pokeclipse! Real Pokémon believers! (shame on me for knowing the alt code for é!)
Some of these people are fucking retards!
Some stuff straight from the website.
I think we're overlooking a very important thing. Would Jesus be okay with us going into the pokeverse? I believe that pokeverse is true, I feel it, but is it okay from a Christian perspetcive? Any other Christians here who can tell me what they think?
Enjoy. :)
Some of these people are fucking retards!
Some stuff straight from the website.
I think we're overlooking a very important thing. Would Jesus be okay with us going into the pokeverse? I believe that pokeverse is true, I feel it, but is it okay from a Christian perspetcive? Any other Christians here who can tell me what they think?
i go to church, and i relly think jesus is a pokemon
Hard to say, I'm an atheist. I only believe in realistic things with good proof (like pokemon !)
Enjoy. :)
Day 7 to 8.5
Day 7
I didn't do too much. I went to see my sister's new boss cause she wanted to see my sister's family. I'm not going to say her name because it might show up on Google. She like works on correcting people's posture and she looks like a real bitch that doesn't really know stuff but thinks she knows what she's doing. She's like oh its a pleasure to have your daughter in our company like extremely fake. Like even more fake than when the teachers do it.
Then I ate. Then I met up with my mom's friend again. She is so piss damn annoying she like keeps looking for us every day and she's so fucking rude and her children have no manners and my mom is like noo I'm busy and she's like NO ITS OK LET'S GO OUT.
What a hoe!
Day 8 to 8.5
Woke up quite early this morning. Ate breakfast then I just like played computer for pretty much the whole day. Right now I'm waiting for the Suns/Celtics game to tip off. :)
I didn't do too much. I went to see my sister's new boss cause she wanted to see my sister's family. I'm not going to say her name because it might show up on Google. She like works on correcting people's posture and she looks like a real bitch that doesn't really know stuff but thinks she knows what she's doing. She's like oh its a pleasure to have your daughter in our company like extremely fake. Like even more fake than when the teachers do it.
Then I ate. Then I met up with my mom's friend again. She is so piss damn annoying she like keeps looking for us every day and she's so fucking rude and her children have no manners and my mom is like noo I'm busy and she's like NO ITS OK LET'S GO OUT.
What a hoe!
Day 8 to 8.5
Woke up quite early this morning. Ate breakfast then I just like played computer for pretty much the whole day. Right now I'm waiting for the Suns/Celtics game to tip off. :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Days 5 and 6 in US of A
Day 5
Didn't do too much. I went to Whole Foods Market which is like this huge supermarket that sells all this organic crap. Then I ate like lots of Prime Rib. Mmmmmm. Then I watched George Lopez. Like a George Lopez marathon. I watched like a kazillion episodes. It's about a Mexican family.
Day 6
Went to San Francisco again. I was supposed to go yesterday but it was like Easter so everything was closed. I bought lots of clothes. Cause I'm queer like that and I like to buy clothes. I also bought Guitar Hero! Yay! I wanted it for so long. And I saw a lot of Asians. And for those of you that know who he is (yes you Chris), I SAW HOLDEN. At night when I went to eat dinner at an Italian restaurant there was this fat guy who was watching the Lakers/Warriors game and everytime a Warrior jacked up a 3 he would raise his hands, clap and say CASH. I ate Lasagna and Pizza in the Italian restaurant. What a pig.
Didn't do too much. I went to Whole Foods Market which is like this huge supermarket that sells all this organic crap. Then I ate like lots of Prime Rib. Mmmmmm. Then I watched George Lopez. Like a George Lopez marathon. I watched like a kazillion episodes. It's about a Mexican family.
Day 6
Went to San Francisco again. I was supposed to go yesterday but it was like Easter so everything was closed. I bought lots of clothes. Cause I'm queer like that and I like to buy clothes. I also bought Guitar Hero! Yay! I wanted it for so long. And I saw a lot of Asians. And for those of you that know who he is (yes you Chris), I SAW HOLDEN. At night when I went to eat dinner at an Italian restaurant there was this fat guy who was watching the Lakers/Warriors game and everytime a Warrior jacked up a 3 he would raise his hands, clap and say CASH. I ate Lasagna and Pizza in the Italian restaurant. What a pig.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
US of A Days 1.5 to 4.
The Rest of Day 2
I ate Vietnam food. And like yesterday I was like kind of babysitting some kids but that person's 12 year old daughter was like HELL NO. And she had like an iPod touch with 30 tracks that aren't even named right. And she searches Aly and AJ on YouTube. And watches Kim Possible at home on her computer.
Day 3
I forgot what I did but at night I went to watch Rockets and Warriors
And what a game it was! All 48 minutes of action. It was awesome!
I sat at like these really bad seats, like the 3rd backest seat on the top bowl thing. But it was amazing. There were these funny Mexicans sitting in front of me and Scola was on one of their fantasy line ups and when the whole Oracle Arena was going like DEFENSE DEFENSE that guy was like SCOLA! SCOLA!
Then when Baron had a dunk attempt on Scola (he got fouled) he was like YEA SCOLA YOU WANT SOME OF THAT? KIRILENKO STYLE!
And they kept calling Rafer Reefer.
Good stuff.
And I ate game food I ate Nachos and a Hamburger and Garlic Fries! (they're good)
The game was crazy good. And the atmosphere was amazing. When Monta made that hard reverse lay up the whole crowd went crazy and they were standing and cheering. It was fucking amazing. It was a sell out crowd as well so it's all good.
Carl Landry was a beast.
John Legend was there to sing the national anthem and he also performed at halftime.
There was a lot of college ball on TV since its March, but I didn't watch too much of it, cause I went out most of the time.
Yesterday (day 4) I went to San Francisco to like shop around and I had to carry stuff for my mom and sister. Then we ate like this high class mexican food.
Yea and I'm eating some Whoppers. They are like Maltesers but they are yuckier. I'm drinking a lot of Vitamin Water. They look real nice. Like the packaging is nice and clean and there are stupid comments on the packaging.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Jordan's Journey to the US of A, Days 1 to 1.5
For those of you that don't know, I'm going to America.
Actually I am in America. I have been here for 1.5 days. I am at somebody's house right now.
So the first day, I left Hong Kong at like 4 PM. I had just watched the Rocket win streak snap.
And I just checked NBA.com and yesterday the Rockets lost. Bonzi dropped 25. That's harsh.
So I was on the plane for like 11 hours or something. I watched a lot of movies and TV shows. Da Ali G Show, 2.5 Men, Beowulf (visuals good, movie shit.), American Gangster (good), Bee Movie (yay!) and probably some others. There was some really pretty/hot mixed girl sitting like 20 rows in front that I saw when I was going to my seat.
So I kept going to the toilet so I could sneak a peek at her. :D
Then I tried to look for her in luggage claim but I couldn't find her. :(
So that's it. I'll never see that girl again. That sucks. That like really sucks. You see someone that you think would be kind of nice to be friends with or something but it's someone that you will never see again in your life.
When I got to USA I had to get an injection because you need it to go to school in USA. Then afterwards I went to Costco. If you don't know what that is it's like this huge store that sells everything in bulk.
I bought this Trident White gum that's like Pineapple and Coconut flavored. It's kind of weird but like it taste like alcohol after a while. Like the alcohol feeling.
And I also bought this really good Trident Splash that is strawberry and lime flavored. It's so good. I bought that in like bulk. I'm going to go buy another 12 pack later.
And I bought this yummy sour Icebreaker thing that I once got when I went to Erica's house.
This morning I woke up at 1pm. Then I went to the school registration thing. The lady said you're going to have to be physically here in like early August to ensure a spot in the school that's closer to home. So I'm probably going to have to leave in early August. :(
I live in this pretty nice apartment. 2 bedrooms. It's like extremely close to the school. I don't have to cross a single road. It's closer to school than William's house is to Sha Tin College.
I'm going to be applying to Gunn High. So if any of you want to transfer schools, that's the school to go to. ;)
Well see you all in a week. Bye guys :D
Actually I am in America. I have been here for 1.5 days. I am at somebody's house right now.
So the first day, I left Hong Kong at like 4 PM. I had just watched the Rocket win streak snap.
And I just checked NBA.com and yesterday the Rockets lost. Bonzi dropped 25. That's harsh.
So I was on the plane for like 11 hours or something. I watched a lot of movies and TV shows. Da Ali G Show, 2.5 Men, Beowulf (visuals good, movie shit.), American Gangster (good), Bee Movie (yay!) and probably some others. There was some really pretty/hot mixed girl sitting like 20 rows in front that I saw when I was going to my seat.
So I kept going to the toilet so I could sneak a peek at her. :D
Then I tried to look for her in luggage claim but I couldn't find her. :(
So that's it. I'll never see that girl again. That sucks. That like really sucks. You see someone that you think would be kind of nice to be friends with or something but it's someone that you will never see again in your life.
When I got to USA I had to get an injection because you need it to go to school in USA. Then afterwards I went to Costco. If you don't know what that is it's like this huge store that sells everything in bulk.
I bought this Trident White gum that's like Pineapple and Coconut flavored. It's kind of weird but like it taste like alcohol after a while. Like the alcohol feeling.
And I also bought this really good Trident Splash that is strawberry and lime flavored. It's so good. I bought that in like bulk. I'm going to go buy another 12 pack later.
And I bought this yummy sour Icebreaker thing that I once got when I went to Erica's house.
This morning I woke up at 1pm. Then I went to the school registration thing. The lady said you're going to have to be physically here in like early August to ensure a spot in the school that's closer to home. So I'm probably going to have to leave in early August. :(
I live in this pretty nice apartment. 2 bedrooms. It's like extremely close to the school. I don't have to cross a single road. It's closer to school than William's house is to Sha Tin College.
I'm going to be applying to Gunn High. So if any of you want to transfer schools, that's the school to go to. ;)
Well see you all in a week. Bye guys :D
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Fuck the Haters. Rockets win 20 straight.
Fuck you haters. The Rockets won 20 straight.
No matter what, no matter how easy or crap the teams are, they won 20 straight games.
No matter what, no matter how easy or crap the teams are, they won 20 straight games.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Back from being a Math nerd and being sick.
For those of you (yes you, Chris) that don't know, I went to an OVERSEAS Math Competition! What a nerd!
So yea, it was what it was. A math competition with a bunch of math nerds doing math competition. But there were some pretty cool people there that I was just starting to know but it was already like the last day.
Ok I met like 3.5 people cause I didn't really talk to the 4th one.
The math was really hard. I got like 19/50 in the individual round. I could've gotten a few marks more because when I finally figured out the answer I looked up and the question like changed so I couldn't choose between A, B, C,D, or E.
The other 'fun' activities weren't very fun. So yea.
But except for the Math, it was actually pretty cool, plus, I SAW JIN AT THE AIRPORT!
Jin was really cool. Only 2 people knew him (me and Dohee) and everyone else was busy being a Math nerd listening to some Maroon 5 or MCR or Linkin Park or being hip hop listening to some Black Eyed Peas. And there was Jin, chilling in the corner with his Macbook going on Myspace. It was crazy. I saw him through the glass wall and I was just like OH SHIT THAT'S JIN! Then he turned his head and he looked at me then I went through the thing.
And yea. We talked. He asked us what we were doing in Malaysia and we were like "oh maths competition..." then he was like "Oh that's cool. You guys must be really smart then. It's good to be smart, you'll be successful, you see I'm not smart."
And he even talked to Ms Adams! And she had like no idea who he was. That's how cool he was. He was just normal, being who he was. Not being some cocky shit. Even with a bunch of Asian math nerds.
I love that guy.
no homo.
So yea, it was what it was. A math competition with a bunch of math nerds doing math competition. But there were some pretty cool people there that I was just starting to know but it was already like the last day.
Ok I met like 3.5 people cause I didn't really talk to the 4th one.
The math was really hard. I got like 19/50 in the individual round. I could've gotten a few marks more because when I finally figured out the answer I looked up and the question like changed so I couldn't choose between A, B, C,D, or E.
The other 'fun' activities weren't very fun. So yea.
But except for the Math, it was actually pretty cool, plus, I SAW JIN AT THE AIRPORT!

And yea. We talked. He asked us what we were doing in Malaysia and we were like "oh maths competition..." then he was like "Oh that's cool. You guys must be really smart then. It's good to be smart, you'll be successful, you see I'm not smart."
And he even talked to Ms Adams! And she had like no idea who he was. That's how cool he was. He was just normal, being who he was. Not being some cocky shit. Even with a bunch of Asian math nerds.
I love that guy.
no homo.
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