I haven't written in this blog in ages. I've been more preoccupied with writing about basketball and recently with tumblr, I've been doing some blogging over there... but tumblr is more of a microblogging thing and I don't want to write about my thoughts there because people read my tumblr a lot more than they read my blogspot thing.
So I've going to be 18 in about a week and a bit. I will legally be an adult... And it's really quite intimidating. I realize that it won't be a random sudden change. I won't wake up one day and have all this extra burden just because I'm 18... because my age is a just a number. I realize the change will be kind of gradual. I didn't wake up one day and turn from a child to a teenager. But still, it's intimidating. Being 18 always seemed like miles away, and now it's only days away. There is no turning back and I'm going to turn into an adult.
I'm actually really scared. Even when I was 16, I thought people that were 18 were old, and I don't feel too different from when I was 16. I will start to be more responsible and I will start to face what they call the real world. Retreating back to my home, thinking that mom and dad will help me out whenever is no longer an option. Parent notes used to be able to get me out of everything, but it's not the same anymore.
I usually scoff at people that write about stuff like this. Growing up is something that happens to everyone and it's just stupid to bitch and moan about it, but now that my teenage years are slipping away from me... it's just really weird.
I feel a bit better writing about it I guess. Meh. Until next time.