She's 35. What a weirdo. Why would you want to do that?
Anyway I went to Shanghai and spent Christmas on the plane. For some reason I was always sleepy in Shanghai so we would just eat and then sleep.
Now that I'm back in Hong Kong I feel kinda sick. That sucks. I hate being sick. I've been sneezing a lot and I have a runny nose.
Get well soon to myself.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
First of all, I would like to congratulate the Houston Rockets for winning a game over the Pistons, and once Rafer Alston starts Yao gets 21 shots. Coincidence? xP
They barely had any makes from the Free Throw line but they still won so I don't care. A win is a win.
Anyway, the main focus of this entry is ROD BENSON. He is amazing. I hope he makes the NBA one day. Here is his website. He likes blogging about random crap and makes funny videos. Check out his website.
I love that guy.
They barely had any makes from the Free Throw line but they still won so I don't care. A win is a win.
Anyway, the main focus of this entry is ROD BENSON. He is amazing. I hope he makes the NBA one day. Here is his website. He likes blogging about random crap and makes funny videos. Check out his website.
I love that guy.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Rockets suck!
Rockets who got guys like Luis Scola, Mike James, Steve Francis and a brand new Coach and with that Bonzi Wells for the new season are only 11-11. That is good for 9th in the West. Now Rockets will eventually make the playoffs because they're good, but seriously, what the fuck. They started off the season 6-1 including a huge win against San Antonio and barely losing to the Mavs barely, and now they're 11.
In today's what-would've-been-blow-out game, T-Mac 'sprained' his ankle and was unable to return. Rockets were down by 28. Now that is just a bad sign. From what I've seen he was fine to play and he could walk, so he basically just gave up on the team.
That's just stupid.
And what's up with Yao Ming? 21 shots over the course of last 2 games, both losses. Failing to score at least 20 points. The 2 most recent wins from the Rockets were when Yao got 17 shots (making 10) and 18 shots (making 9). Give the man the ball. When all else isn't falling, give Yao Ming the ball. Last year it was stupid ass feed the ball to Yao and if he doesn't make it kick the ball out style, but it worked.
So Rockets need to get Yao the fucking ball.
Now I haven't been watching the last 2 games so I don't know if it was because of Steve Francis starting or whatever, but the Philly game is no excuse as Stevie barely got to play.
T-Mac was on fire in the 1st quarter, but what the hell happened next?
The Rockets weren't play the Spurs, or Mavs, or Suns, or Celtics, or even the Lakers.
They were playing the Philadelphia 76ers.
Kind of disappointed as I expected more, but with 60 games left in the season, who knows?
In today's what-would've-been-blow-out game, T-Mac 'sprained' his ankle and was unable to return. Rockets were down by 28. Now that is just a bad sign. From what I've seen he was fine to play and he could walk, so he basically just gave up on the team.
That's just stupid.
And what's up with Yao Ming? 21 shots over the course of last 2 games, both losses. Failing to score at least 20 points. The 2 most recent wins from the Rockets were when Yao got 17 shots (making 10) and 18 shots (making 9). Give the man the ball. When all else isn't falling, give Yao Ming the ball. Last year it was stupid ass feed the ball to Yao and if he doesn't make it kick the ball out style, but it worked.
So Rockets need to get Yao the fucking ball.
Now I haven't been watching the last 2 games so I don't know if it was because of Steve Francis starting or whatever, but the Philly game is no excuse as Stevie barely got to play.
T-Mac was on fire in the 1st quarter, but what the hell happened next?
The Rockets weren't play the Spurs, or Mavs, or Suns, or Celtics, or even the Lakers.
They were playing the Philadelphia 76ers.
Kind of disappointed as I expected more, but with 60 games left in the season, who knows?
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The barber shop
I usually get my haircut at Ma On Shan because I used to live there but today I didn't feel like going that far just to get my hair cut.
I also went to 'Heng Fa Chuen' to get my hair cut once because my sister and I were having a 'let's go to some random place' mood so we went there. On that day we ate Spanish food and I got my hair cut for 80 dollars and I looked like a little boy and everyone was like ahaha Jordan did you put a bowl over your head and cut it?
Anyway today I just went somewhere close so I went to Jordan (ahahaha so funny) to get my hair cut.
I had to wait like 30 minutes until it was my turn and I had to wait in this barber shop that had this smell which was a cross of papaya and shit.
Later I went to wash my hair just like in every other place and the lady gave me some lovely grapefruit flavored shampoo. I'm not crazy over grapefruit but I don't hate it, but what if someone hated grapefruit? How can you just stick some strongly flavored shampoo on someone?
Then after a while I got my hair cut. The manager called her 妹妹 so I was like hmm cool. I had to wait a while for this '妹妹' to show up and the lady earlier took my towel off and my hair looked like Pat Riley's hair so I just sat there with Pat Riley hair for like 15 minutes.
Then the '妹妹' turned out to be some kinda fat woman with lovely hair.
And on with the hair cutting.
She is the 2nd slowest hair cutter ever.
The slowest hair cut I've ever had was at this place called 'Head' or something, and this dude with a fringe and plastic framed glasses was like combing my hair and then he cuts like the very very tip of it and he does it over and over again.
This one wasn't that bad but she had 2 hair clips. So she would just clip like a bunch of my hair and then go cut the hair below it.
I don't know if she was going for like this layered approach which I've seen but I'd imagine it look pretty stupid on a boy.
Then she clips my hair in like a thousand places and starts cutting it.
She does everything at the side and back first and it was ok cause I couldn't see any of it.
Then when she got to the front she like made the front of my hair slanted. You know how all the local boys have hair like that.
That's what she did.
I didn't really care cause usually when they do that after you wash your hair again you can kinda make it un-slanty.
Also she likes to play with my hair a lot. Like quite a lot and she'd like grab it and squeeze it like it was tissue.
Then later she like tapped the side of my face to fix my hair or something.
And her hands were fucking sweaty.
So after I find out that she has sweaty ass hands everytime she 'styles' my hair I go like wtf sick cause the way she grabs it it's like if you have sauce on your finger tips then you like kinda squeeze the tissue when you wipe it off.
That's what she did.
So I got home and I tried to make it unslanty but it just had to be slanty so I'm like shit it looks so stupid.
So for like the first time ever I cut my hair by myself. I took some random scissors and I started cutting my hair by myself, so if you see me at school tomorrow, go check it out.
Then I saw that the back of my head was kinda lame but it is me and all the other 6 billion human beings in the world to have limited vision where you have barely 180 degrees of vision, so I couldn't cut the back cause I'm scared it'll look even worse.
So on my way home after my ridiculously horrendous haircut, I encountered
2 Inoiaegaojklstan kids that tried to limbo through a police line (it wasn't a real police line someone stole it and put it across something)
A taxi driver that sang the Chinese song from the radio.
An Indian dude unloading what must've been 20 suitcases/huge bags from the lift by himself.
I also went to 'Heng Fa Chuen' to get my hair cut once because my sister and I were having a 'let's go to some random place' mood so we went there. On that day we ate Spanish food and I got my hair cut for 80 dollars and I looked like a little boy and everyone was like ahaha Jordan did you put a bowl over your head and cut it?
Anyway today I just went somewhere close so I went to Jordan (ahahaha so funny) to get my hair cut.
I had to wait like 30 minutes until it was my turn and I had to wait in this barber shop that had this smell which was a cross of papaya and shit.
Later I went to wash my hair just like in every other place and the lady gave me some lovely grapefruit flavored shampoo. I'm not crazy over grapefruit but I don't hate it, but what if someone hated grapefruit? How can you just stick some strongly flavored shampoo on someone?
Then after a while I got my hair cut. The manager called her 妹妹 so I was like hmm cool. I had to wait a while for this '妹妹' to show up and the lady earlier took my towel off and my hair looked like Pat Riley's hair so I just sat there with Pat Riley hair for like 15 minutes.
Then the '妹妹' turned out to be some kinda fat woman with lovely hair.
And on with the hair cutting.
She is the 2nd slowest hair cutter ever.
The slowest hair cut I've ever had was at this place called 'Head' or something, and this dude with a fringe and plastic framed glasses was like combing my hair and then he cuts like the very very tip of it and he does it over and over again.
This one wasn't that bad but she had 2 hair clips. So she would just clip like a bunch of my hair and then go cut the hair below it.
I don't know if she was going for like this layered approach which I've seen but I'd imagine it look pretty stupid on a boy.
Then she clips my hair in like a thousand places and starts cutting it.
She does everything at the side and back first and it was ok cause I couldn't see any of it.
Then when she got to the front she like made the front of my hair slanted. You know how all the local boys have hair like that.
That's what she did.
I didn't really care cause usually when they do that after you wash your hair again you can kinda make it un-slanty.
Also she likes to play with my hair a lot. Like quite a lot and she'd like grab it and squeeze it like it was tissue.
Then later she like tapped the side of my face to fix my hair or something.
And her hands were fucking sweaty.
So after I find out that she has sweaty ass hands everytime she 'styles' my hair I go like wtf sick cause the way she grabs it it's like if you have sauce on your finger tips then you like kinda squeeze the tissue when you wipe it off.
That's what she did.
So I got home and I tried to make it unslanty but it just had to be slanty so I'm like shit it looks so stupid.
So for like the first time ever I cut my hair by myself. I took some random scissors and I started cutting my hair by myself, so if you see me at school tomorrow, go check it out.
Then I saw that the back of my head was kinda lame but it is me and all the other 6 billion human beings in the world to have limited vision where you have barely 180 degrees of vision, so I couldn't cut the back cause I'm scared it'll look even worse.
So on my way home after my ridiculously horrendous haircut, I encountered
2 Inoiaegaojklstan kids that tried to limbo through a police line (it wasn't a real police line someone stole it and put it across something)
A taxi driver that sang the Chinese song from the radio.
An Indian dude unloading what must've been 20 suitcases/huge bags from the lift by himself.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
No pok
The other day Martin showed me this really funny video on YouTube, and it's pretty damn funny. It's about these guys going to some Indian restaurant that doesn't serve pork and pissing the damn waiter off.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
If most of you know me, I've always liked Manga more than Anime. Here are some reasons why
Latest Read
Naruto - 380
This chapter is badass. Jiraiya sees these super mega crazy assholes that are like invincible and Sasuke finally sees Itachi.
Bleach - 265
Yes I am very behind on Bleach and I am reading it as I type this post.
All your needs for Manga. It's High Quality most of the time and has a lot of series and it updates mega fast.
- Less time consuming
- It's the original thing, yes the manga came first
- No fillers and crap
- No accidentally introduced stuff that contradicts future stuff
Latest Read
Naruto - 380
This chapter is badass. Jiraiya sees these super mega crazy assholes that are like invincible and Sasuke finally sees Itachi.
Bleach - 265
Yes I am very behind on Bleach and I am reading it as I type this post.
All your needs for Manga. It's High Quality most of the time and has a lot of series and it updates mega fast.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Test your typing speed! And try and beat me! :D
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
MTR/KCR Merger
Should've posted this a while ago, but the KCR and MTR are merging, so now the KCR is officially part of the MTR. I bought some tickets for the KCR on the last day and there were like at least 100 other people buying them at Mong Kok (not even the busiest station) while I was there. I purposely bought a ticket today to see what it looked like and it was like this new MTR ticket. I don't know if the MTR was using cause I haven't been taking the MTR lately. But it's a pretty cool looking ticket cause it shows the Hong Kong skyline and it's orange which is pretty cool. Anyway not much different about the KCR. It's the same everything except the logos have changed or have been removed and the map looks cooler. is pretty damn cool. You go to , then you install the thingy then you can either play straight from or install the plug in thing so that it records things from your Windows Media Player/iTunes/foobar/Winamp/Whatever and if it's like a good song where there's like the Artist and Album stuff it records it then later can recommend artists that are similar to the artist and then based on what you've listened to it will recommend some songs for you. It's great if the songs that you have are the good quality ones but if they're those shit ones that you grab off Bittorrent then it's too bad. :P
I'm using it now and it's like recording the songs I'm playing which is pretty cool.
It also says the top artists for like a certain period of time so that's pretty damn cool. If you're stuck on what to listen to go to
I'm using it now and it's like recording the songs I'm playing which is pretty cool.
It also says the top artists for like a certain period of time so that's pretty damn cool. If you're stuck on what to listen to go to
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Miss China wins Miss World
I had fun yesterday. I was kinda bored at the beach but then later me and Ben were prank calling and we prank called 'Crocs' and asking if it was the Cocks shop and stuff like I want Big Black Cocks oh I want to exchange cocks my yellow cocks is too small I want a big black cocks and stuff like that.
Miss China wins Miss World.
Woohoo China.
Now don't get me wrong, Miss China is pretty hot but China again! They're like getting so damn huge! Yao Ming, Jackie Chan, Chinese movies getting out on the Western market, Olympics in Beijing, Chinese stocks and shit and now kids learn Mandarin instead of French/Spanish in school.
And now China wins Miss World?
Well I'm pretty proud to be Chinese so I don't really care, but it's great that China is getting like super good. :)
Miss China wins Miss World.
Woohoo China.
Now don't get me wrong, Miss China is pretty hot but China again! They're like getting so damn huge! Yao Ming, Jackie Chan, Chinese movies getting out on the Western market, Olympics in Beijing, Chinese stocks and shit and now kids learn Mandarin instead of French/Spanish in school.
And now China wins Miss World?
Well I'm pretty proud to be Chinese so I don't really care, but it's great that China is getting like super good. :)
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